WisdomFilms™ Conceived and Produced by
Gary Malkin
Cinematography and Editing by
David Fortney
Spoken word and music montages composed and produced by
Gary Malkin
Music Co-Produced by
Dan Alvarez
Digital Imaging and DVD Authoring by
Claire Shepard
Titles, Branding, and DVD Design by
Brooks Cole, www.HoloCosmos.com
Special Thanks To
Alan Kolsky, Digital Video Dimensions.com
Jim Hollenbeck and Kevin Sanchez, Hollenbeck and Associates (Publicity)
Wisdom of the World Production Team: Jeanete Biasotti, Ph.D., Will Chang
Excerpts included from
Graceful Passages:
A Companion for Living and Dying
Produced by Michael Stillwater and Gary Malkin
Published by New World Library (NewWorldLibrary.com)
Produced by Wisdom of the World.com
We wish to express our appreciation to Bill Heinrich and Paul Hoyt
for their significant contributions to the Wisdom of the World mission.
A Wisdom of the World Production
WARNING: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.